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Subsidies Available

Discover the childcare subsidies available to make quality education at Ilham more affordable for your family

Basic Subsidy

Working mothers who works minimum 56 hours per month


Amount: $300.00

Additional Subsidy

Family Income less than $12k


Amount: $80.00 – $467.00

Per Capita Income Subsidy

Minimum 5 people living in the same house


Amount: Varies according to family income

Financial Assistance

Single parents and/or family with household income less than $3k per month


Amount: Varies according to family income

Start-up Grant (SUG)

Family Income less than $3k per month


Amount: $1000.00

ETF Mendaki

Single parents, guardians or children-at-risk
families (case by case basis only)


Varies according to family income

Baby Bonus

We're also a Baby bonus approved institution

Siblings Promotion

Siblings discount is applicable for all siblings as of their fourth month enrolled in the centre at $50.00 per sibling. Additionally, the younger siblings enrolled are entitled to $100.00 off upon registration.


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